Whoa. I'm astounded by the...level of stupidity. Anime = Hentai?
Wow. Just wow.
Taken from The Star, Malaysia
Tinjauan KOSMO! kelmarin mendapati, animasi seks yang lebih popular dengan panggilan Anime dijual secara berleluasa dengan harga RM15 sekeping. [...]
Selain memaparkan animasi alat sulit lelaki dan wanita dengan jelas, Anime turut menggayakan teknik seks berbeza seperti meliwat, rogol, seks berkumpulan dan seks oral.
Walaupun Anime telah lama berada di pasaran, keupayaan teknologi komputer berjaya membawa unsur ghairah baru termasuk pergerakan alat sulit dan suara ghairah ketika aksi ranjang sebenar. [...]
Tambahnya, Anime lebih digemari golongan pelajar memandangkan ia dijual secara terbuka selain keseronokan yang mengghairahkan.
Translation (Thanks to Alone):
KOSMO! founded that sex animation or popularity called as anime is being sold around for RM15 per piece.
Other than showing normal sex, they showed different techniques like licking, raping, orgy and oral sex
Even thought anime has been in long terms in the markets, the new computer technology ability has brought in incredible sounds and movements while performing sex.
Also, anime is being popular among students since it's sold widely.
Thanks once again, to Alone.
So, seriously, since when is Anime Hentai? That 10 DVDs or so of burnt Animes are hentais?
Wow. Just wow.
If this was from some stupid idiot who have no idea as to WHAT anime is, basically, those Hollywood Fanboys who scream "Down with Anime", complete with Slogans and a website to boot, it might be, just might be, understandable.
But hell, this is from a Newspaper! How can you explain that? Firstly, you need a reporter to cough up the crap, then you need the editor. So, either the Editor is sleeping, or the reporter just did NOT do enough research.
Research, such as googling the term "Anime". If you have simply googled it, it would return loads of results, AnimeNewsNetwork, Anime-Source, and the whole lot. One look, and you will know that Anime does NOT equal Hentai.
If anime = hentai, the future is doomed. What happened to the Pokemon craze? Digimon craze? Dragonball? Whatever else Singapore is showing right now (One pis...Uh..Piece, Gundam Seed Destiny). Arn't these all animes?
Do you even see a hint of sex in them? Fine, a little nudity in GSD (bodies without skin. Not even privates are shown... I have no idea if that's even nudity, because if that is, then FHM should not be sold on the streets), but the rest?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
As an Anime lover (admittedly Hard core), I am absolutely disgusted, and appalled at such a report. This isn't some third world Newspaper, but coming from Singapore's neighbours. The fact that it's allowed to be published is surprising enough.
The fact that people can still make such stupid mistakes, equating Hentai with Animes amazes me. It's like equating Porn with movies, because, hey, they are both movies! Lots of action and screaming.
However, just sit through the two types, and you can see the difference immediately. Seriously, just where in the blue hell did the reporter get this absurd idea? For freak's sake, go watch your saturday cartoon. Millions out there can make the difference between "Anime" and "Hentai". Hell, one has 5 letters, and the other 6, if that is to make any sense in the 1st place.
I thought the recent article that violent games will make children violent because "they will not react as much as others to pictures of violence" was bad enough.
Of course, as always, I'm wrong.
Bah. Pathetic.
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